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Value that Specifically Names the Type/the Application Value of the Closest Piece of Equipment/the Designated Type of Construction/the Generic Type/the Manufacturer Type Designation/the Specific Function/the Type of Application


The color of the product itself

Product Certifications

Trust in quality and compliance. Use this filter to find products that have undergone thorough testing and evaluation to ensure they meet the quality and safety standards for a wide range of certifications.


A Device that Establishes a Connection Between Two or More Units.


Maximum electrical current the conductor or device can carry before sustaining immediate or progressive deterioration

Input Voltage
Input Voltage

The Difference of Electrical Potential Between Two Points of an Electrical or Electronic Circuit Entering a System

Mounting Type
Mounting Type

The way the item is mounted for display. The method by which a sign or label is affixed to a surface for display. Many signs will not have any defined mounting type and so will have no value captured for this attribute.

Data Transfer Rate
Data Transfer Rate

The Speed at Which Data is Transferred from one Location to Another with in the Time Frame

Power Supply
Power Supply

The Specification of the Electrical Power or the Description of This Electrical Power Which is Required for the Proper Functioning of the item

Power Consumption
Power Consumption

Operating Temperature
Operating Temperature

The Temperature at Which the Unit is Safely Operated or Kept without Damaging or Changing the performance Characteristics of the Unit

Product Width
Product Width

The overall width of the product.

Product Has Potential to Contribute to LEED
Product Has Potential to Contribute to LEED

This product contributes to earning credits in the LEED rating system.

Seismic Tested
Seismic Tested

Indicates whether a device has been tested to withstand and/or perform under certain seismic conditions.

Product Depth
Product Depth

The overall depth of a product.

Country of Origin
Product Height
Product Height

The overall height of a product.


Unique characteristics and functionality that set the product apart from others in its field.

Warranty Type
Warranty Type

The product warranty that accompanies the specific product.

Product Length
Product Length

The overall length of a product.

Application Sector
Application Sector

Refers to the expected environment(s) or intended usage(s) for a product (e.g. Residential, Commercial, Industrial, etc.).


A Convention or Standard that Controls or Enables the Connection, Communication, and Data Transfer Between Two Computing Endpoints, the Rules Governing the Syntax, Semantics, and Synchronization of Communication

Sensor Type
Sensor Type

The Device that Receives a Signal or Stimulus (As Heat or Pressure or Light or Motion Etc.) and Responds to it in a Distinctive Manner


7 Products available