Wattstopper® Software and Configuration Tools
Commercial Software and Configuration tools from Wattstopper provide custom programming to your commercial building lighting controls. Choose from tools that provide easy commissioning, programming, advanced control, daylighting adjustments, monitoring, remote adjustments or even color control with Human Centric Lighting (HCL). ÂBrand
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Value that Specifically Names the Type/the Application Value of the Closest Piece of Equipment/the Designated Type of Construction/the Generic Type/the Manufacturer Type Designation/the Specific Function/the Type of Application
The color of the product itself
Product Certifications
Trust in quality and compliance. Use this filter to find products that have undergone thorough testing and evaluation to ensure they meet the quality and safety standards for a wide range of certifications.
Enviromental Conditions rating on the product. Indoor Only, Outdoor, Both
Product Family
Used to identify and differentiate offerings within a particular product line. Product families are typically treated as adjectives. It is not recommended to use the product line (ex: Wiremold®) and product family names (Evolution™) together. This will introduce a level of unnecessary confusion for the audience.
Product Width
The overall width of the product.
Seismic Tested
Indicates whether a device has been tested to withstand and/or perform under certain seismic conditions.
Product Depth
The overall depth of a product.
Product Series
A collection of related products that share a common design, technology, or purpose. Products within the series either maintain a cohesive brand / style identity or work together to serve a particular solution.
Product Height
The overall height of a product.
Unique characteristics and functionality that set the product apart from others in its field.
Warranty Type
The product warranty that accompanies the specific product.
Product Length
The overall length of a product.
Indicates the primary material(s) used to construct a product.
Application Sector
Refers to the expected environment(s) or intended usage(s) for a product (e.g. Residential, Commercial, Industrial, etc.).
Sensing Range
The total Possible Sensing Capability of the Sensor, Beginning After the Deadband, and Extending Out as Far as the Sensor is Able to Reach Effectively
Sensor Type
The Device that Receives a Signal or Stimulus (As Heat or Pressure or Light or Motion Etc.) and Responds to it in a Distinctive Manner
Added to Favorites Go to favoritesRemove from favorites?Something went wrong. Please try again later.Product not added for comparison. Please remove any current selection to add this. Manage SelectionsWireless Commissioning Tool for Fixture Mount SensorsFSIR-100 WattstopperThe FSIR-100 Wireless IR Configuration Tool is a handheld tool for remote configuration of IR-enabled fixture integrated sensors.
Added to Favorites Go to favoritesRemove from favorites?Something went wrong. Please try again later.Product not added for comparison. Please remove any current selection to add this. Manage SelectionsEQUINOX APP LICENSE UNLIMITEDEQ-APP-X VantageThe Equinox app and accompanying in-wall touchscreen epitomize the ideal user experience by providing a remarkably simple interface for managing luxury environments.
Added to Favorites Go to favoritesRemove from favorites?Something went wrong. Please try again later.Product not added for comparison. Please remove any current selection to add this. Manage SelectionsEQUINOX APP LICENSE 1-5EQ-APP-5 VantageThe Equinox app and accompanying in-wall touchscreen epitomize the ideal user experience by providing a remarkably simple interface for managing luxury environments.
Added to Favorites Go to favoritesRemove from favorites?Something went wrong. Please try again later.Product not added for comparison. Please remove any current selection to add this. Manage SelectionsEQUINOX APP LICENSE 1-10EQ-APP-10 VantageThe Equinox app and accompanying in-wall touchscreen epitomize the ideal user experience by providing a remarkably simple interface for managing luxury environments.
Added to Favorites Go to favoritesRemove from favorites?Something went wrong. Please try again later.Product not added for comparison. Please remove any current selection to add this. Manage SelectionsEquinox 41EQ41TB-TI VantageThe Equinox 41 provides a unique widget environment on the 4" LCD screen to easily control you home.
Added to Favorites Go to favoritesRemove from favorites?Something went wrong. Please try again later.Product not added for comparison. Please remove any current selection to add this. Manage SelectionsTrimLine II Wall PlateTR-12-AW VantageTrimLine II provides a consistent aesthetic across our keypads and touchscreens. It is the perfect choice for a minimalist and contemporary design style.
Added to Favorites Go to favoritesRemove from favorites?Something went wrong. Please try again later.Product not added for comparison. Please remove any current selection to add this. Manage SelectionsEasyTouch II KeypadKS14XE-LWNA VantageEasyTouch II is a Vantage backlit keypad, now available in 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5 button configurations.
Added to Favorites Go to favoritesRemove from favorites?Something went wrong. Please try again later.Product not added for comparison. Please remove any current selection to add this. Manage SelectionsRadioLink DimmerRDU14XE-LWNA VantageThe RadioLink Registered EasyTouch II Scenepoint Dimmer is a wallbox dimmer for "no-new-wires"
Added to Favorites Go to favoritesRemove from favorites?Something went wrong. Please try again later.Product not added for comparison. Please remove any current selection to add this. Manage SelectionsDigital wireless configuration tool w/USBLMCT-100-2-U WattstopperThe LMCT-100-2 Wireless Configuration Tool is a handheld tool for advanced remote configuration of any Wattstopper Digital Lighting Management (DLM) system.
Added to Favorites Go to favoritesRemove from favorites?Something went wrong. Please try again later.Product not added for comparison. Please remove any current selection to add this. Manage SelectionsOPENADR VEN TO VPN CONNECTION CUSTOMER PROVIDED CONNECTIONLMDR-VEN-VPN WattstopperOther Options Available
Added to Favorites Go to favoritesRemove from favorites?Something went wrong. Please try again later.Product not added for comparison. Please remove any current selection to add this. Manage SelectionsDIGITAL WIRELESS CONFIGURATION TOOL w/USBLMCT-100-2 WattstopperThe LMCT-100-2 Wireless Configuration Tool is a handheld tool for advanced remote configuration of any Wattstopper Digital Lighting Management (DLM) system.
Added to Favorites Go to favoritesRemove from favorites?Something went wrong. Please try again later.Product not added for comparison. Please remove any current selection to add this. Manage SelectionsDesign CenterDesign-Center VantageDesign Center is the software for the specification, design, and programming of a Vantage lighting control system by a certified Vantage Dealer
Added to Favorites Go to favoritesRemove from favorites?Something went wrong. Please try again later.Product not added for comparison. Please remove any current selection to add this. Manage SelectionsDLM Design and Programming SoftwareLMCS-100 WattstopperLMCS software is used for designing DLM systems as well as configuring and troubleshooting them.